Annual Report

The Annual Report presents our progress in achieving the social, cultural, environmental and economic goals of the Community Strategic Plan. This 2023/24 Annual report represents a report on progress towards the goals of the Woollahra 2032(PDF, 14MB)  Community Strategic Plan which was adopted on 27 June 2022 and guides our activities. The 2023/24 Annual Report represents the second year of the four year Delivery Program 2022-2026. 

Council is strongly committed to transparency, consultation and accountability.

Council engages directly with our community to create our Community Strategic Plan for the term of an elected Council. The Community Strategic Plan informs the Delivery Program and Operational Plan, reviewed each year of that term, which progresses the aims of the Community Strategic Plan. The Annual Report is available in November each year and has been prepared in accordance with the Local Government Regulations and the Integrated Planning & Reporting Guidelines

  • Part 2 details the status of Capital Works undertaken in 2023/24, as at 30 June 2024.
  • Part 3 is Council’s audited Financial Statements for 2023/24.

Together, the three parts of the Annual Report give our community a comprehensive picture of Council’s performance and sustainability.


In addition to Woollahra Council's annual report information, the Office of Local Government (OLG) has been collecting a wide range of council data for more than 25 years and using it to produce detailed comparative reports. Your Council allows local communities to access detailed information about their local council and the wide range of services it provides at the click of a button.