Resourcing Strategy

Our Community Strategic Plan, Woollahra 2032(PDF, 14MB), was developed in consultation with the community and describes our long-term aspirations for Woollahra. However, these aspirations will not be achieved without sufficient resources – time, money, assets and people – to implement them. The Resourcing Strategy is the critical link when translating strategic objectives into actions.

The Resourcing Strategy consists of three components:

The Resourcing Strategy(PDF, 17MB)  makes clear what elements of the Community Strategic Plan the Council will take responsibility for. Other levels of government, business, non-government organisations, community groups and individuals will also have a role in achieving the outcomes of the Community Strategic Plan.

Each of the components of the Resourcing Strategy(PDF, 17MB)  also play a role in resourcing the achievement of the Delivery Program and Operational Plans, as well as any other strategic plans the council has developed to support the achievement of the Community Strategic Plan.

Long Term Financial Plan

Council needs to maintain a financially sustainable position over time so that we can provide services and renew infrastructure for the benefit of our community. The Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) helps us develop a plan to achieve this. Council's LTFP is a tool to aid decision making, priority setting and problem solving.

The LTFP expresses in financial terms the activities Council proposes to undertake in the short, medium and long term so that we can provide infrastructure and services. Using this, we can identify if we can continue to pay for our services and maintain our infrastructure in good condition (i.e. community buildings, parks, roads and business centres) with the income that we expect to receive.

The LTFP is a rolling 10-year plan which is updated annually.

Long Term Financial Plan 2024/25 - 2033/34(PDF, 6MB)

Council's draft Long Term Financial Plan 2024/25 - 2033/34 was placed on formal public exhibition from 1 May to 29 May 2024. Members of the community were invited to make public submissions expressing their views on the draft plans during the public exhibition period to be considered by Council.

Public submissions received were considered at a Council Strategic and Corporate Committee meeting held 17 June 2024, prior to a Council meeting 24 June 2024, where the final Long Term Financial Plan 2023/24 - 2032/33 was adopted, commencing 1 July 2024.


Asset Management Strategy

The Asset Management Strategy is a ten year strategy which provides the framework for managing Council's assets and outlines actions required to improve Council's asset management capability.

To meet our reporting requirements, we use a five-level condition rating of our assets. Condition assessment is undertaken on an ongoing basis through our inspection regime and maintenance and renewal programs. A full re-assessment of asset condition is undertaken periodically together with the financial revaluation of our assets. This typically occurs every five years, in line with NSW Office of Local Government (OLG) guidance and best practice methodology.

Asset Management Strategy 2022/23 - 2031/32(PDF, 9MB)

The Asset Management Strategy 2022/23 - 2031/32 was adopted by Council on 28 November 2022.


Workforce Management Strategy

The Workforce Management Strategy is a four year document that shapes the capacity and capability of the workforce to achieve Council’s strategic goals and objectives.

It sets out the issues, evidence and strategies required to deliver a sustainable Woollahra Council workforce capable of continuing to deliver high quality services to our community and deliver on our vision. It builds upon the directions set out in the Community Strategic Plan Woollahra 2032

Workforce Management Strategy 2024-2028(PDF, 9MB)

The Workforce Management Strategy 2024/25 - 2027/28 was adopted by Council on 24 June 2024.