Delivery Program and Operational Plan

Delivery Program and Operational Plan

Our Delivery Program identifies a number of Priorities and our Operational Plan a number of Actions in response to the Focus Areas, Goals and Strategies identified in Woollahra 2032(PDF, 14MB) , to relay Council’s commitment to the community over the elected term of Council (usually 4 years) and was updated in accordance with the legislative requirements following the Local Government Elections held in December 2021.

The Integrated Planning & Reporting Framework requires Council to develop a Delivery Program for the duration of the elected Council's term and a separate 1 year Operational Plan. To ensure greater transparency and promote good governance Council monitors and reviews the progress of our Delivery Program on a biannual basis.

Delivery Program 2022/23-2025/26

We have developed a Delivery Program 2022/23-2025/26(PDF, 51MB), to support the aims of our Community Strategic Plan (CSP), Woollahra 2032(PDF, 14MB). Council's Delivery Program is a four year plan that outlines our medium term goals. It translates the CSP's strategic goals into clear actions.

It is the primary reference point for all activities undertaken by an elected council during its term of office. It allows Council to determine what is achievable over the next 4 years, what the priorities are, and how programs will be scheduled.

Our community were invited to share their feedback on the draft Program throughout the exhibition period, running from 6 April - 15 May 2022. After public exhibition, Council staff and Council's Strategic & Corporate Committee reviewed all feedback and submissions, making recommendations for the final Program in response. The Delivery Program was adopted by Council 27 June 2022.

Council’s adopted Delivery Program was revised to reflect the resolution of Council made 17 October 2022 to apply to the Independent Pricing & Regulatory Tribunal (IPART) in February 2023 for a Special Rate Variation (SRV) and the announcement by IPART (made on 29 September 2022) that the rate peg set for 2023/24 will be 3.7%. This revised Draft Delivery Program 2022/23 to 2025/26 was placed on formal public exhibition from 20 October to 17 November 2022. Public submissions received during the exhibition period were considered by Council at a meeting held 28 November 2022, where the revised Delivery Program 2022/23 - 2025/26 was adopted by Council.

Council's progress toward the measures and intended outcomes of the Delivery Program are reported biannually to the Finance, Community and Services and the Environmental Planning Committees and published on Council's website.

Operational Plan 2024/25

We have developed an Operational Plan 2024/25(PDF, 21MB) to support the aims of our Community Strategic Plan (CSP) Woollahra 2032(PDF, 14MB) and the Delivery Program 2022/23-2025/26(PDF, 51MB) (DP). Council's Operational Plan (OP) is our one-year action plan for achieving the community priorities outlined in the CSP and DP. An OP is prepared each year, and identifies the projects, programs and activities that Council will undertake in the following year. The OP also outlines a draft budget and is accompanied by a draft Schedule of Fees and Charges and Rating Structure for the year.

Council's draft Operational Plan 2024/25 was placed on formal public exhibition from 1 May to 29 May 2024. Members of the community were invited to make public submissions expressing their views on the draft plans during the public exhibition period to be considered by Council. Public submissions received were considered at a Council Strategic and Corporate Committee meeting held 17 June 2024, prior to a Council meeting held 26 June 2024, where the Operational Plan 2024/25(PDF, 21MB) was adopted, commencing 1 July 2024.

Archived Delivery Program and Operational Plans

Previous Delivery Program and Operational Plans are available below. Please note these plans have been superseded and are not the current Delivery Program and Operational Plan for Council and are provided for information only.