Wilberforce Avenue, Rose Bay Car Park Redevelopment
- Project typeMore parking and a new community space for Rose Bay
- Project schedule2025 (approx) - 2027 (approx)
19 August 2024
Council at its meeting on 12 August 2024, reaffirmed its commitment to redevelop the Wilberforce Avenue, Rose Bay car park. Council staff have commenced negotiations with a building contractor. A revised funding strategy for the project is being prepared and will be submitted to Council for consideration later in 2024.
9 November 2023
A development application to redevelop the Wilberforce Avenue, Rose Bay car park was approved by the Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel on 9 November 2023. View the approved plans here(PDF, 22MB).
Subject to the development of the revised funding strategy and approval by Council, it is anticipated that construction will commence in 2025 and be completed in 2027.
Council plans to redevelop the Wilberforce Avenue, Rose Bay car park site into a multi-storey parking facility and community centre, with small complementary retail spaces within the commercial centre. For a summary of the proposed project take a look at this fact sheet(PDF, 1MB).
The redevelopment addresses longstanding demand for more parking in the area and more community space, and ensures the ongoing economic viability of the Rose Bay commercial centre.
For more information about this project, please visit our Your Say community engagement page.

Concept design
A high quality concept design has been developed by architects AJ&C and Oculus, featuring:
- A modern, efficient and generously proportioned car park providing more than double the existing public car spaces (200 compared to 95 currently), as well as 29 spaces for the new retail and community centre uses.
- A lightweight civic scale building which will transform the current at-grade car park into an architectural centrepiece of the Rose Bay Village.

Concept only image
- Sustainability initiatives including green walls, EV charging stations, mixed mode ventilation, increased urban canopy from street and plaza plantings and rainwater harvesting for use in Pannerong Reserve
- A new one way low-speed laneway (Ian Lane) linking Wilberforce Avenue and Dover Road
- A new terrace on the Wilberforce Avenue frontage linked to Pannerong Reserve by a raised pedestrian crossing, which will become a meeting and gathering place for the community

Concept only image
- A new state-of-the-art community centre over two levels and small ground floor presence to enable a full range of activities
- Retail floor space of 316m2 to assist in activating the new building
- New accessible public toilets and parents room to provide a much needed facility in Rose Bay Village

Concept only image
December 2019 – Council resolved to proceed to a detailed design for the redevelopment of the Wilberforce car park in Rose Bay.
2022 - Community consultation and feedback, letterbox drops, community meetings and drop-in information sessions.
2023 – Development application exhibited for community feedback 18 January - 18 February 2023 and 26 April - 26 May 2023.
November 2023 – Development application approved.
2025 (approx) - Construction begins.
2027 (approx) - Project completion.
For more info about this project, visit our Your Say community engagement page.
17 Dover Road, Rose Bay 2029 View Map
-33.87048053729978, 151.26994335151556
17 Dover Road ,
Rose Bay 2029
17 Dover Road ,
Rose Bay 2029
Wilberforce Avenue, Rose Bay Car Park Redevelopment