Planning proposal request for 203-233 New South Head Road, Edgecliff
On 6 September 2024, the proponent lodged a rezoning review with the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure (DPHI).
The DPHI will hold a briefing for the rezoning review and make a decision on whether the proposal should proceed to Gateway. During the briefing, staff will have the opportunity to present information to the Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel regarding the planning proposal and make representations on behalf of the community.
On 8 April 2024, a planning proposal request for 203-233 New South Head Road, Edgecliff was lodged (Lot 203 DP 1113922, Lot 5 DP 243380 and Lot 2 DP 553702).
The request for a planning proposal seeks to amend the Woollahra Local Environmental Plan 2014 to:
- Increase the maximum Height of Buildings standard from part 0m, part 6m and part 26m to part 60m and to part 124m-128m.
- Increase the maximum Floor Space Ratio (FSR) from 2.5:1 to 9:1.
- Establish a maximum FSR on the Council-owned road reserve of 3.5:1.
- Introduce a minimum non-residential FSR of 2:1.
The applicant has provided an indicative development concept for a 37 storey mixed use building comprising commercial, office, retail, community infrastructure, and residential uses which could be facilitated by the proposed amendments.
In December 2020, a previous planning proposal was lodged for the site which sought to facilitate a mixed use development up to 45 storeys. The Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel resolved not to support the proposal and it did not proceed to a Gateway determination. Information on this previous planning proposal may be viewed here.
Initial Assessment
An initial staff assessment of the request for a planning proposal was reported to the Woollahra Local Planning Panel (Woollahra LPP) on 17 October 2024.
The initial assessment, with the advice from Woollahra LPP, will be reported to a future meeting of the Environmental Planning Committee, followed by a meeting of Council.
If Council resolves to support the preparation of a planning proposal, the next step would be to seek Gateway determination. Should Council resolve not to support the planning proposal, a rezoning review request may be lodged by the applicant.
What is a Gateway determination?
The Gateway determination is a checkpoint for the DPHI, and the DPHI will decide if the planning proposal has sufficient strategic and site specific merit to proceed to public exhibition.
Get more information on the NSW Local Environmental Plan making process.
Find more information(PDF, 329KB) on the role of Council, the Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel and the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure’s role in the planning proposal process.
Planning proposal request and supplementary information
The applicant submitted the following information to support the request for a planning proposal:
- 1. Planning Proposal Report - V1 - 19 March 2023(PDF, 16MB)
- A. Benchmarking Analysis - 19 March 2024(PDF, 3MB)
- B. Questions to Consider when Demonstrating Merit - 28 March 2024(PDF, 343KB)
- C. Urban Design Report - Part 1 - 19 March 2024(PDF, 208MB)
- C. Urban Design Report - Part 2 - 19 March 2024(PDF, 262MB)
- C. Urban Design Report - Part 3 - 19 March 2024(PDF, 232MB)
- C. Urban Design Report - Part 4 - 19 March 2024(PDF, 196MB)
- C. Urban Design Report - Part 5 - 19 March 2024(PDF, 35MB)
- D. Social Impact Assessment - 19 March 2024(PDF, 15MB)
- E. Economic Impact Assessment - 19 March 2024(PDF, 1019KB)
- F. Visual Impact Assessment - 19 March 2024(PDF, 50MB)
- G. Transport and Accessibility Assessment - 19 March 2024(PDF, 7MB)
- H. Heritage Impact Assessment - 19 March 2024(PDF, 14MB)
- I. Environmental Wind Assessment - 19 March 2024(PDF, 1MB)
- J. Acoustic Assessment - 19 March 2024(PDF, 699KB)
- K. Preliminary Site Investigation - 19 March 2024(PDF, 16MB)
- L. Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Statement - 19 March 2024(PDF, 14MB)
- M. Preliminary Aeronautical Assessment - 19 March 2024(PDF, 966KB)
- N. Arboricultural Impact Assessment - 19 March 2024(PDF, 7MB)
- O. Utilities Desktop Review - 19 March 2024(PDF, 2MB)
- P. ESD Strategy - 19 March 2024(PDF, 285KB)
- Q. Scoping Proposal Council Advice - 19 March 2024(PDF, 510KB)
- R. Response Matrix to Scoping Proposal Council Advice - 28 March 2024(PDF, 227KB)
- S. Survey Plan - 28 March 2024(PDF, 1MB)
- Public benefits offer to enter into VPA - 26 June 2024 (PDF, 400KB)