Sports ground closures and wet weather
Sportsground status
Poor weather conditions or other factors may mean that a sportsground is unable to be used for a period of time.
To find out if a ground is closed, check below for updates or call the Wet Weather Line on 02 9391 7916 for a recorded message. Signs may also be placed at the grounds.
In the event of wet weather, updates to the status of sportsgrounds will be published on this page by 2pm on weekdays.
Weekend wet weather: Please note that the last time the Wet Weather Line and the website Sportsground Status is updated before the weekend is 2pm on Friday. Please see wet weather procedure below for more info.
Please note: The last updated date and the OPEN / CLOSED status will only be updated if there are changes to the condition of the sportsground
Last updated: 10 January 2025
- Andrew Petrie Oval - OPEN
- Christison Park 1 - OPEN
- Christison Park 2 - OPEN
- Christison Park 3 - OPEN
- Christison Park 4 - OPEN
- Lough Playing Fields - OPEN
- Lower Cooper Park - OPEN
- Lyne Park Mini Field - OPEN
- Lyne Park Main Sportsfield - OPEN
- Rushcutters Bay Park 1 (soccer field) - OPEN
- Rushcutters Bay Park 2 (rugby field) - OPEN
- Steyne Park - OPEN
- Trumper Oval - OPEN weekends for cricket, CLOSED midweek until 24 March 2025 for turf maintenance
- Woollahra Oval 2 - OPEN
- Woollahra Oval 3 - OPEN
Wet weather procedure
Failure to comply with Council's wet weather procedure may result in the applicant banned from use of the field for the entire season.
Woollahra Council Wet Weather Line 02 9391 7916 is updated by 2pm on weekdays and 2pm on Fridays for weekend use. This is a recorded message providing the most up-to-date status of sports grounds in the Council. However, the last time the Wet Weather Hotline and the Website Sportsground Status is updated is 2pm on Friday. Therefore in the event of excessive rain over Friday night or Saturday, use common sense as to whether playing will damage the surface beyond general wear and tear.
In the event of excessive wet weather, ground signs will take precedence over the wet weather line and website.
As a guide, training or play is likely to cause damage to the playing surface if the field demonstrates any of the following characteristics:
- surface water present
- water rises to the surface when walking across the surface (this indicates soil is at its saturation point)
- surface is slippery to walk on, or grass surface is dislodged easily.
This procedure is intended to apply in situations where wet weather, and the playing of matches affect Council's sports fields or training on playing fields will result in damage to the playing surface.
Damage to the playing surface is defined as being beyond general wear and tear.
Reasons for ground closure
The Council may close any ground as a result of, specialist ground maintenance, wet weather, if the ground surface is damaged, and/or injury is likely to occur as a result of use.
Closure of grounds
In periods of wet weather experienced council staff will assess and determine if the ground is to be closed for any training, competition or pre-season trial games. Ground signs (located on the park name sign) will indicate if the sports ground is closed for use.
Closure applies to adjacent areas also
If any sports ground is closed it is not to be used for any training or competition purposes. This includes the area surrounding each sports ground. Use of the sports ground when the surface is wet dramatically increases the damage the ground surface.
Use when closed jeopardises your future use
Use of the sports grounds when closed will jeopardise the future use of Council's venues by the sporting group. On weekends, it is the responsibility of the Association/Club to determine if sports grounds can be used without damaging the playing surface.
Damage may be charged to the user
Any excessive damage caused to sports grounds from inappropriate use is the responsibility of the user. The Council may invoice the Club or Association for damage caused to sports grounds. This will occur where the damage is considered to be excessive and greater than would be expected from normal wear and tear. The decision on whether excessive damage has been caused shall be made by experienced professional staff.