Camp Cove Beach

Camp Cove web.jpg

Camp Cove Beach is one of Sydney Harbour’s finest sandy beaches, located adjacent to the Sydney Harbour National Park.

Getting here

23B Victoria Street, Watsons Bay

Limited street parking from Cliff Street and Victoria Street


Dogs are prohibited at all times


  • Accessible parking at Cliff Street car park (Managed by National Parks and Wildlife Service)
  • An accessible beach mat - provides a sturdy and visible path to improve access on the beach and support people with disabilities or mobility challenges who generally cannot get on to the beach or struggle to move across the sand safely. This mat will be rolled out onto the beach during the summer months.

Lifeguard Service

Woollahra Council provides lifeguard services at Camp Cove Beach on Saturdays and Sundays from the last weekend of October. During the December / January school holidays, a lifeguard service is provided seven days a week. The lifeguard service ceases on the Anzac Day long weekend. The lifeguard service may not operate where inclement weather occurs or no lifeguards are available.


  • Spearfishing and the lighting of fires is prohibited.
  • Smoking
  • For the protection of swimmers a boat exclusion zone is in force



The Watsons Bay area provided abundant fish, shellfish and food for the local Aboriginal community in a sheltered environment. Rock engravings in the area depict a range of marine creatures including whales and fish. There is also a rock shelter at the northern end of the Camp Cove Beach that shows evidence of habitation by the local Aboriginal people.

European Occupation

Governor Phillip and the First Fleet rested for a night in Camp Cove before landing at Sydney Cove in 1788. The bountiful nature of the area was also recognised by the early European settlers and a fishery was set up nearby in 1792 to help feed the new settlement at Sydney Cove.


23B Victoria Street, Watsons Bay 2030  View Map

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