
Membership is free!

Step 1.Join online:

This will give you immediate access to some of our resources and the ability to request items in the library catalogue.

Join now

To borrow any physical items and gain access to the full range of library services, you will need to visit us in person with identification that includes your home address (e.g. Drivers Licence).


Step 2.Visit the library:

To obtain full access to all our services, visit us in person. Don't forget to bring identification that includes your home address (e.g. Drivers Licence). You will then be issued with your membership card.

Membership Information

Membership is open to all residents of New South Wales*. We offer two types of membership:

Adult: For members 16 years and above.

Children: Children aged under 16 must be registered by an adult guarantor - ie. a parent or legal guardian who is responsible for their borrowed items and any fees. The guarantor must bring in identification as listed above.

* If you reside outside of NSW we offer a restricted temporary membership.

Already a member?

Login to your account. From here you can:

  • view your current loans and loan history
  • renew your loans
  • reserve an item currently on loan to another member
  • change your contact details and preferences for alerts
  • view messages and alerts

Membership expiry

Your membership expires after three years of inactivity.

To renew your membership, you can login to your account, contact the library on 9391 7100 or visit any of our libraries.


Membership notices

Did you know you can receive reservation and overdue notices via email or SMS? Contact the library to make the switch.