Justice of the Peace service

Woollahra Libraries offers a free, walk-in Justice of the Peace (JP) Service on the following days and times:

Day Location Time Frequency
Thursday Double Bay

10am - 12pm

Friday Double Bay

2pm - 4pm

Saturday Double Bay

10am - 12pm


The next date for the Saturday Service at Woollahra Library at Double Bay is 22 March, 5 April and 3 May.

Please note: Our JP service is subject to volunteer availability. Please call 02 9391 7100 if you would like further information.

Important: JPs cannot witness 'Proof of Life' documents. 

The International Services Branch of Centrelink provides assistance to people seeking to claim a pension from a number of countries which Australia has reciprocal aged pension agreements with. 

Should you require someone to witness a proof of life document, please contact the International Services Branch phone line on 131 673 or visit their website.

Please remember that this service is generously delivered by volunteers and dependent on their availability, so we recommend you contact us before attending to confirm a JP is available as scheduled.

You may need a JP to:

  • administer oaths
  • witness signatures
  • witness affidavits
  • witness statutory declarations
  • certify copies of documents

To maximise your session, please bring any identification, original documents and copies with you. Should you require photocopies or printing, these services are available at our libraries. Please see library staff for assistance.

Council endeavours to provide a free JP service at the Council Chambers Customer Service Centre. This may vary due to availability of staff. If it is urgent, we recommend calling the customer service team to confirm if one is available. The hours of the service are Tuesdays and Wednesdays: 9am to midday.

Should you require an alternative, you can check the NSW Government Communities & Justice website.

If you are interested in volunteering with us as a JP, please visit our Volunteer page for further information and application form.