Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are your opening hours?

Woollahra Library at Double Bay is open from 9am - 8pm Monday - Friday and 10am - 4pm Saturday - Sunday. For branch opening hours please see the Library website.

Do you have a Justice of the Peace (JP)?

A free JP service is available at Woollahra Libraries during these days and times.

Council also provides a free JP service at the Council Chambers Customer Service Centre. The hours of the service are Monday to Friday, 9am-12pm. Please call ahead before arriving.

When is your Rhyme/Story Time?

Storytime and Rhyme Time are held at all three Libraries at different times. Please note your child needs a current Woollahra Libraries card to participate.

When is the slide open?

The slide is open twice daily, from 10am - 11am and 3pm - 4pm (3pm - 3.50pm on Saturdays and Sundays). Please note, times are subject to change at library staff discretion, and/or due to the running of children’s events.

How do I join the Library?

All residents of NSW can join the Library online via the Library website or visit the Library in person and complete the online form. You will need to visit the Library in person to finalise your membership, with ID showing proof of address. Temporary membership is available for those living outside of NSW.

What should I do if my member card has expired?

You can see a staff member to update your membership. If you are no longer on the system you will need to rejoin the Library by completing the Join the Library form.

Can I renew my loans? How many times?

You can renew your loans twice (with the exception of Fast Reads and Fast Flix) provided no one else has reserved them. Loans can be renewed via the My Account section, the Library app, in person or over the phone.

How many items can I borrow?

You can borrow up to 30 books at a time as well as eResources, 10 magazines, 10 CDs & audiobooks, and 10 DVDs.

What's my password?

Your password or PIN is your 6 digit date of birth in DDMMYY format.

Where do I return library books?

You can return your books during opening hours or after hours in the return chutes at Double Bay, Paddington or Watsons Bay Libraries or the Wilberforce Street Carpark in Rose Bay.

Do I have to be a member to use the printer?

Guest tickets are available for computer and printer use. Please see a staff member on arrival.

Can I print, scan, use a computer?

Yes, printing, scanning and computers are available. Printing can be sent remotely from your own device as well and computer bookings made via the Woollahra Libraries app or website.

How do I borrow eBooks, eAudiobooks, eMagazines?

To get started go to the Online resources section on the Woollahra Libraries app or Library website.

How do I put money on my library card?

You can add money to your card online via the Library website or at the payment kiosks within each Library.

How do I get a book that Woollahra Libraries doesn't have?

If the book is available from another Library you can complete an Item Request form for purchase or inter-library loan. You can also do this via the Library app under "Ask the Library".

How can I get a book if it is in another Woollahra Library?

Please phone the Library to request a free transfer.

How do I reserve an item? Is there a cost?

You can reserve an item by going to the Library catalogue via the Woollahra Libraries app or the Library website and logging in with your member number and PIN. The cost is $3.30 per item for adults or $1.75 per item for children, seniors and pensioners.

How do I book a Group Study Room?

You can book the Group Study Rooms online via the Woollahra Libraries app or the Library website using your member number and PIN. Rooms can be booked a week in advance for up to two hours per group per day.

Can I study by myself in a Group Study Room?

Group Study Room 1 at Woollahra Library at Double Bay can be booked by one person for up to two hours per day.

Where can I park in Double Bay?

There is one hour free parking in the Kiaora Lane Carpark. There is also street parking available in side streets.