Older Adults

A large proportion of our local population is aged 65 years and over. Whether it’s an exercise group or choir, computer class or discussion group, these older adults services and programs are tailored to help you keep enjoying a healthy, active and involved lifestyle, right into retirement and beyond.

Festival of Fun

During NSW Seniors Festival, in March 2025, Woollahra Council in partnership with local community organisations will host a range of free and low cost events and activities. The festival is an opportunity for the Woollahra community to get excited, get out and get involved! It will be a 'time to shine' for Woollahra's seniors!

Find out more about this festival.

Need to know more? Email community@woollahra.nsw.gov.au

Local services

Activities in the local area

In Woollahra there are a variety of social, recreational and educational activities available to you. 

You can promote your event for free on Council’s Events Page by completing this form.

  • Woollahra Walking Groups
    Get active, meet new people and explore your local area.

    Interested in being a group leader for a Walking Group in your area?
    Contact us via email: community@woollahra.nsw.gov.au.

  • Men's Chat Groups
    The Men's Chat Group is a forum for men to get together and discuss a topic every month, in a friendly and relaxed manner.
  • Exercise Classes
    Find gentle exercise classes in the local area.
  • Healthy and Active for Life Online
    A free 10 week healthy lifestyle program for adults aged 60 years and over.
  • Library Events
    The library holds a range of events suitable for seniors, such as Tea Topics, Author Talks and Local History events and workshops.
  • Technology Workshops
    Woollahra Council offers a wide range of technology workshops for seniors.
  • University of the Third Age
    Sydney University of the Third Age (Sydney U3A) offers hundreds of intellectually stimulating courses throughout Sydney.
  • Volunteering opportunities
    Volunteering is a great way to make new friends, use your skills, connect with your local community and make a real difference.
  • Intergenerational program at Woollahra Pre-School(PDF, 9MB). This 20-week program brings older adults and preschoolers together for a range of fun activities.
  • Probus
    Connect socially, explore new interests, learn new skills and enjoy a variety of outings following retirement. There is lots to choose from and local monthly meetings include guest speakers.
  • Woollahra Probus - meets monthly at Gaden Centre, corner Queen St and Edgecliff Rd. Fun and Fellowship for Active retirees. Enjoy monthly meetings, guest speakers, music group, book club, walking group, day trips, multi-day trips and more. Attend three meetings as a guest for free then join at an affordable cost. Call Kathy on 9389 8509 for more information.

Events for older adults

Sign up to one of our e-newsletters to stay up to date.

Planning for the future

Council has been supporting the direct service provision of ageing and disability services for many years, with the provision of community facilities, direct services and the allocation of grants and subsidies.

The Delivery Program and Operational Plan describes how Council will work with the community to achieve its goals. The Disability Inclusion Action Plan (PDF version(PDF, 2MB) and Easy Read Version(PDF, 2MB)) and Social and Cultural Plan(PDF, 5MB) identifies short and long term priorities for the Woollahra community including seniors and people with a disability.

Additional resources

  • Seniors Rights Service provides free legal advice, advocacy, information and referrals. The service is a fully accredited community legal centre. Aged Care Advocacy can provide support for recipients of all Commonwealth funded aged care services.
  • Stop abuse and neglect of older people(PDF, 504KB)
    This resource will help you to identify different forms of abuse and gives you the steps you can take to respond. Helpful contacts and referral information is included.
  • Older Persons COVID-19 Support Line
    Call 1800 171 866. This free service has been established to answer COVID-related questions and to provide help, support and resources to Older Australians impacted by COVID-19 in any way.
  • Seniors Information Service
    A NSW Government service providing information on a range of topics including health, financial and legal matters.
  • My Aged Care
    Information on staying in your home, residential care and other health issues.
  • Care Finder Program(PDF, 293KB) helps vulnerable people access Australia's aged care system. To get help call 1800 346 337.
  • Active and Healthy
    Staying physically active is the single most important thing we can do to stay fit and independent as we get older.
  • NSW Seniors Card
    A NSW Government program providing seniors with access to a range of discounts and concessions in businesses across NSW. The Seniors Card Discount Directory is a guide to the best Seniors Card offers and can be collected from the following locations:
    • Member for Vaucluse Office: 330 New South Head Road, Double Bay
    • Double Bay Post Office: 469 New South Head Road, Double Bay
    • Rose Bay North Post Office: 2/663 Old South Head Road, Rose Bay
    • Edgecliff Post Office: 2/203 New South Head Road, Edgecliff
    • Paddington Post Office: 246 Oxford Street, Paddington


For more information, please contact:

Telephone: 9391 7000
Email: community@woollahra.nsw.gov.au