Submit a DA

Online development applications via the NSW Planning Portal

From 1 November 2020, Woollahra Council will only be accepting online Development Applications (DAs), including Section 4.55 Modification Applications and Section 8.2 Review Applications via the NSW Planning Portal.
For more information please visit the NSW Planning Portal website.

Where should I start?

  1. Make sure you need to submit a DA. If your development is exempt or complying you do not need to submit a DA.
  2. Be sure to understand what development rules apply
  3. Understand what you are required to submit with your DA, and prepare your application and supporting documents. Try to avoid assessment delays!
  4. Lodge your application and pay the fees.

If your cost of development is $750,000 and over, there are special submission requirements.

If your development is in the E1 Local Centre or MU1 Mixed Use Zones or 12 metres or more in height, there are special submission requirements.

If your development is complex or potentially controversial, you might consider using our Pre-DA consultation service.

How long will it take?

This varies according to the complexity of the proposed development, whether or not it needs to be publicly advertised/notified, whether or not it complies with the rules, whether or not objections are received and the range and complexity of issues that may need to be considered.

Can I do it myself?

Whilst we are doing every thing we can to assist you through the process, preparing a development application can be a complex process which you should not attempt to tackle yourself unless you have a good knowledge of the legal requirements and of our local planning controls. Incomplete or misleading applications can be costly.

Do I need to make a disclosure statement of a political donation or gift?

If you are submitting a development application and you or any person with a financial interest in the development made a donation or gift to any Councillor or you made a gift to any Council employee you may need to make a disclosure statement. You can download a Political donations and gifts disclosure statement form(PDF, 283KB) which includes explanatory information.