Unattended and abandoned vehicles and items
Woollahra Council rangers will investigate reports of unattended, unregistered or abandoned vehicles and items in public places under the NSW Public Spaces Unattended Property Act (PSUP). Rangers can issue fines to unregistered vehicles or vehicle owners who do not comply with a Council notice to remove a vehicle and also impound vehicles if necessary.
Vehicles and property left unattended in public will not always prompt regulatory action. Our rangers must have a ‘reasonable belief’ that an item is unattended before taking action, and this requires investigation.
When someone parks a registered car or trailer reasonably and safely parked on the road this would not generally trigger regulatory action under PSUP laws. Our focus is to take action when the unattended or unregistered item is abandoned, an obstruction or a risk.
Our rangers investigate each report of an abandoned or unattended vehicle by:
- checking the vehicle is legally parked
- checking if the vehicle is registered
- attempting to contact the last known owner to move the vehicle
- monitoring the vehicle until we hear from the owner
- issuing on the spot fines if required
- removing the vehicle if the owner takes no action.
This investigation process can take up to 60 business days depending on the registration status of the vehicle and how long it takes to pursue contact with the owner.
Learn more about the Public Spaces (Unattended Property) Act 2021
If you would like to report an unattended and abandoned vehicle and items please use the Woollahra Council App or call 9391 7000.