Trees and development work

When any development work is undertaken on a property there is a potential for trees to be adversely affected. Trees on private property, either on the site subject to the development or on adjoining properties, as well as street trees need to be considered when assessing a Development Application.

To carry out this assessment, Council will require the submission of specific plans, drawings or other information with the Development Application. This information may take the form of specific plans or reports completed by appropriately qualified professionals.

The format of the information required varies according to the type of works being proposed. Council’s DA Guide(PDF, 571KB) along with Attachment 4(PDF, 181KB) assists residents and applicants in preparing the necessary documents for submission of a Development Application. Detailed information about the format, content and who should be producing the information is contained in the DA Guide.

All applicants AND owners should read the DA Guide and prepare information in accordance with the listed requirements. The following is a ‘quick reference’ to the sections in the DA Guide and Attachment 4 relating to trees and development works;