Parklet program

Council supports and encourages footway dining as a means of creating vibrant streetscapes and creating opportunities for businesses to grow and prosper. This enables businesses with existing footway dining approvals to apply to use kerbside parking space for additional footway dining. This reallocation of kerbside parking to footway dining is commonly referred to as a ‘parklet’.

The trial parklet program was introduced by Council in July 2021 in response to COVID-19 social distancing requirements, as a simple temporary initiative to provide immediate support to local cafes, bars and restaurants. The trial program provided valuable insights and community feedback on how Council could make this temporary physical change permanent. Given the success of the trial program, on 26 June 2023 Council resolved to support the formalisation of the parklet program.

The design and siting of these parklets is managed under the Parklet Program Policy and Guidelines(PDF, 1MB).

An application fee of $390 is required. Ongoing rental fees will apply for approved applications, in accordance with Council's adopted fees and charges.

The following supporting documents are required as part of your application:

  • Site Plan: The plan must identify the location and dimensions of the proposed parklet (this must be to scale, including dimensions, total area (m2), pedestrian footway clearances, street furniture/infrastructure, trees).
  • Photos: of proposed site, showing the condition/slope of the parking space and identify the zone that it will be replacing.
  • Images: of items proposed to be used in the parklet (eg furniture, tables, chairs, umbrellas)
  • Traffic Control Plan
  • Copy of Identification (passport or Drivers Licence)

Approval Holders are required to provide copies of Workers Compensation and Certificates of Currencies for Public Liability to the value of $20M (noting Woollahra Council as an interested party).

A separate application to Liquor & Gaming NSW (L&G NSW) is required by Approval Holders in order to extend the licensed area to include the Approved Footway Dining Area.

Once you have gathered your documents, you can apply for a Parklet Approval using the form below.

For further information, please contact Council’s Property and Projects team on 02 9391 7000.