Display of goods on footway
Council supports and encourages the display of goods on the footway as a means of creating a vibrant streetscape and opportunities for businesses to activate their shop front. To ensure that the display of goods are operated in a safe and appropriate manner, a business operator may submit an application for Display of Goods Footway Approval and enter into an agreement with Council.
Footway approvals are issued by Council for the purpose of display of shop goods on the public footway adjacent to the premises where the use of such footway is directly related to the operation of the business. The operations must be conducted in accordance with the conditions of the relevant development consent or approvals and applications require approval under Section 68 (E) 2 of the Local Government Act 1993. Permanent structures are not permitted. For further information on the process and requirements, these are outlined in the Policy and Procedures for Display of Goods.(PDF, 487KB)
An application fee of $195 is required. Ongoing rental fees apply for approved applications.
An application for Display of Goods Approval must be accompanied by the following supporting documents:
- Site plan (to scale, clearly outline the proposed dimensions (m2), proposed arrangement of sample goods display, pedestrian footway clearances, street furniture or infrastructure if applicable), Conditions and Sample Plan(PDF, 222KB)
- Photos of proposed area to display goods, footway slope, street furniture and infrastructure, sample image of display stand and goods.
- Copy of Identification (passport or Drivers Licence)
Note: Once approved Approval Holders are required to provide copies of Workers Compensation and Certificates of Currency for Public Liability to the value of $20M (noting Woollahra Council and Transport for NSW if applicable, as an interested party).
Once you have obtained the required documents to support an application, you can apply for a Display of Goods Approval using the form below.
Renew an expired Display of Goods Approval
To renew an expired Display of Goods Approval, please fill out the form here.
Please note: An existing account number will be required to lodge a renewal application. This account number can be retrieved from an invoice previously issued by Council for Display of Goods fees.