Register a business

Choosing a business structure

Set up as a sole trader

Operating as a sole trader is the simplest and cheapest business structure you can set up. You control and manage the business and although you trade on your own, you can still employ people to work for you. Find out more information.

Register a company

If you’ve decided a company structure is best for your business, you’ll need to register your company with the Australian Government.

Register a limited partnership

If you’ve decided a limited partnership structure is best for your business, you’ll need to register the limited partnership with the NSW Fair Trading’s Registry Services.

Set up a trust business structure

A trust is an obligation imposed on one person or entity – the trustee, to hold property for the benefit of another – the beneficiary. The trustee can be an individual or a company, the latter providing some asset protection. Find out more.

Register a co-operative

If you’ve decided a co-operative is best for your business, you’ll need to register the co-operative with NSW Fair Trading’s Registry Services.

Starting a business

Register an Australian Business Number (ABN)

An ABN is a unique 11 digit number that identifies your business to the public, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and other government agencies. Find out more.

Register a business name

You’ll need to register a business name, unless you’re a sole trader or partnership and your business name is exactly the same as your or you and your partner’s first and last names. You’ll need an ABN or ABN application number to register your business name.

Register your business for Goods and Services Tax (GST)

You must register your business for GST if your turnover is $75,000 or more.

Applying for a business Tax File Number

If you’ve decided a company, trust, or partnership structure is best for your business, you’ll need to apply for a business Tax File Number.