Economic Insights

Woollahra Economic Snapshot (Spendmapp)
Unlike the simulated data in most economic growth models, Spendmapp data is based on actual expense transactions by location, time and industry. Tracking spend is a critical measure of economic health and helps determine local patterns of spending, by whom and where so that we can get a full picture of the local economy.
Click on the image below to see the Woollahra Economic Snapshot(PDF, 928KB) (Spendmapp).
(PDF, 928KB)
See previous versions
Woollahra Economic Data (economy. Id)
The online economic profiles of Woollahra Local Government Area brings economic data together to tell the story of our local economy and how it is changing. This information is designed to be used by council staff, local businesses, investors, community groups, students and the general public. The information presented here is derived from official sources of information (Australian Bureau of Statistics) as well as Australia’s leading economic modellers (NIEIR).