Community Engagement Projects

Share your feedback on current Council proposals

All of our community engagement and consultation opportunities are hosted on the Your Say Woollahra website, where you can also register to receive updates. Find out more about community engagement and share your feedback.

Current open consultations

Public Electric Vehicle Chargers

Woollahra, Waverley and Randwick councils are seeking feedback on proposed locations for new electric vehicle (EV) chargers to be installed across the three Local Government Areas (LGAs). We asked for feedback on our first round of proposed locations in August 2024.

We are now asking for feedback on a second round of proposed locations for new EV chargers. Feedback is open until 29 October 2024. Share your feedback.

2024 Consultations

Draft Woollahra DCP: Hydrogeological, Geotechnical & Vibration Impacts:
Draft Woollahra Development Control Plan (Amendment No. 30)

Council is concerned about impacts of excavation, particularly the potential impact on the structural and geological integrity of buildings in the Rose Bay area which may occur due to groundwater drawdown during excavation. To address these matters, a draft development control plan has been prepared which is on public exhibition from 4 September 2024 to 6 October 2024.

Draft Woollahra DCP (Amendment No. 30) - Hydrogeological, Geotechnical and Vibration Impacts, seeks to address groundwater drawdown, land stability and vibration impacts relating to development. These changes were informed by the Rose Bay Hydrogeological and Geotechnical Impacts (July 2024) prepared by GHD.

Draft Woollahra DCP 2015: 136-148 New South Head Rd, Edgecliff

Council staff have prepared a draft development control plan for land at 136-148 New South Head Road, Edgecliff which, if implemented, will guide future buildings to be constructed on the land. The draft development control plan provides guidance on matters such as built form, heritage and amenity, and facilitates a well-designed development.

Woollahra Arts and Culture Strategy

We've developed a draft Woollahra Arts and Culture Strategy and Action Plan 2024-2028 and we'd love your feedback.It provides a framework to define the purpose and direction of Woollahra’s cultural life and brings together the diverse arts, culture and creative activities being delivered within our LGA.

Draft Events Policy and draft Events Strategy

Woollahra Council hosts hundreds of diverse events and programs every year, attended by thousands of residents and visitors. We've prepared a draft events policy and strategy that covers the following types of events held in the Woollahra Local Government Area (LGA), including those held in a Council-owned or managed venues. Our draft Events Policy represents our overall commitment to event management and serves as a strong foundation for our draft Events Strategy.

Draft Woollahra DCP 2015: Seniors housing & Setbacks in R2 zone

We’re exhibiting the Draft Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015 (Amendment 32) (Draft DCP) to strengthen and enhance existing controls in Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015 (Woollahra DCP) to address potential impacts of seniors housing developments.

Local Heritage Listing - Rose Bay Schools

We have prepared a Planning Proposal to list the following two school buildings as local heritage items in Schedule 5 and on the Heritage Map of the Woollahra Local Environmental Plan 2014.

  • ‘Rose Bay Public School - Building E, including interiors’ at 21 Wilberforce Avenue, Rose Bay;
  • ‘McAuley Catholic Primary School - former Christian Brothers College building, including interiors’ at 12 Carlisle Street, Rose Bay.
Public Electric Vehicle Chargers

We're working with Waverley and Randwick councils to help meet the increasing demand for EV chargers. We asked for feedback on proposed locations for new chargers.

Diversity Strategy

Council's vision for the Woollahra area is a thriving, inclusive, sustainable and resilient community that will benefit future generations. Diversity and inclusion are an essential part of achieving this. Your feedback will help us to better understand how diversity can be celebrated and respected in Woollahra, and how Council can contribute to people’s inclusion and sense of belonging.

Robertson Park Playground Upgrade

We're upgrading Robertson Park Playground in Watsons Bay to make it more accessible, safe and enjoyable for everyone. We recognise the playground is important to the community and a great place for children to be active and play. We wanted to know what you love about the space and what could be improved or added. Your feedback will help us develop the concept design.

Draft Woollahra DCP 2015 (Amendment No. 31) – Reduce excavation

We're proposing to amend the Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015 (Woollahra DCP 2015) to include enhanced excavation provisions with the aim of reducing excavation in development applications. Draft amendment to Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015 (Amendment 31), which seeks to introduce controls to reduce excavation in development applications, was on exhibition from 26 June 2024 to 23 July 2024.

Children, Youth and Families Strategy

Following consultation with more than 500 community members and organisations in 2023, we have prepared a new draft Children Youth and Families Strategy and Five Year Action Plan. The Plan aims to help us address the current and emerging needs of children, young people and families in the Woollahra local government area.

Draft Woollahra DCP (Amendment No. 27) 488-492 Old South Head Rd

We’re exhibiting a proposed amendment to the Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015 (Woollahra DCP 2015) to introduce site specific controls for 488-492 Old South Head Road and 30 Albemarle Avenue, Rose Bay.

The site has been subject to a planning proposal, intended to facilitate a mixed use development comprising a supermarket, residential apartments and associated parking

Spring Street Reserve Playground Upgrade Draft Concept Plan

We’re excited to share the draft concept plan for Spring Street Reserve, Paddington designed to provide accessible, inclusive, imaginative and flexible play for children and families.

Draft S7.12 Development Contributions Plan 2022 (Amendment 2)

Council is proposing to amend the Woollahra Section 7.12 Development Contributions Plan 2022 to provide an annual update to the works schedule and include requirements to improve the process of calculating section 7.12 development contributions. Please view the Draft Plan with proposed amendments.

Draft Woollahra DCP 2015: Basketball and Sports Courts Controls

We exhibited a proposed amendment to the Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015 that seeks to introduce controls relating to basketball courts and sports courts in residential areas to help protect the amenity of the area. The Woollahra DCP 2015 does not currently contain any controls in relation to basketball courts on residential properties. The amendment will help ensure basketball and sports courts are appropriately located and designed to protect the amenity of the streetscape and neighbouring properties.

Draft Long Term Financial Plan and draft Operational Plan

We invited you to provide feedback on our draft Long Term Financial Plan and draft Operational Plan for the coming year.

Woollahra Arts and Culture Strategy

We're developing our first Woollahra Arts and Culture Strategy and four-year Action Plan to help provide strategic direction for arts and culture across the Woollahra Local Government Area.

Draft Policy for Leasing and Licensing of Council-controlled land

We invited feedback on our draft Policy for Leasing and Licensing of Council-controlled land. The current revision provides greater clarity on which leases and licenses require a Council resolution and which leases can be granted under delegation to the General Manager.

Draft Woollahra DCP 2015: Updated Employment Zones

Council exhibited Draft Woollahra Development Control Plan (Amendment 24) which includes administrative updates to business zone names. These are required by the NSW Government's employment zone reforms.

Yarranabbe Park Fitness Station Upgrade

We’re upgrading the fitness station at Yarranabbe Park and we want to hear from you. Tell us your thoughts on our concept design and what upgrades you’d like to see by completing our short survey.

Rose Bay Community Garden - Renewal of User Agreement

Council is proposing to renew the user agreement we have with Rose Bay Community Garden Incorporated for use of the current garden site. We invite you to provide your feedback about the proposed renewal of this agreement so the area can continue to be used as a community garden.

Significant Tree Nominations

Woollahra is home to some of Sydney's most wonderful trees and we want to hear from you about which trees should be on our Significant Tree Register.

Cooper Park Plan of Management and Masterplan

To help us manage Cooper Park over the next 10-15 years, we want to know what you love about the park, how you use it, and how you’d like it to be used in the future. Your feedback will be used to develop a Masterplan and Plan of Management for Cooper Park.

2023 Consultations

Environmental Sustainability Action Plan

We've prepared a draft Environmental Sustainability Action Plan, which details the work we will undertake in the next five years to protect and enhance our local environment and improve sustainability. We want to hear your thoughts on our draft plan.

Thornton Reserve Playground upgrade

We're upgrading Thornton Reserve Playground to make it a more accessible, safe and enjoyable space and we want to hear from you! Complete our short feedback form, upload a photo or come and share your thoughts at one of our two community pop-up sessions.

St George Church, Rose Bay

We're inviting your feedback on a proposal for the local heritage listing of the St George Greek Orthodox Church in Rose Bay.

Watsons Bay Library Community Access Hours

Earlier this year we asked for feedback on our library services and received support for increasing our library opening hours. We are now seeking your thoughts on a trial which would give members access to Watsons Bay Library at times more convenient to them.

Spring Street Reserve Playground renewal

Spring Street Reserve Playground in Paddington is getting an upgrade and we want to hear from you! The Spring Street Reserve playground is nestled within close proximity to local residences and features a fenced playground, shade sails, park benches and a climbing unit with slide. We are excited to commence planning for the upgrade of these existing facilities into a more accessible, safe and enjoyable play space.

Proposed heritage listing of Lapin House, Rose Bay

Council has resolved to proceed with a planning proposal to list Lapin House, 2C Dumaresq Road, Rose Bay as a local heritage item in Schedule 5 and on the Heritage Map of the Woollahra Local Environmental Plan 2014.

Draft Woollahra DCP 2015: Controls for Gas and Solar Energy Systems

We're exhibiting a proposed amendment to the Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015 to facilitate a transition away from gas usage in residential development and update Council's existing solar energy system controls.

Children, Youth and Families Strategy

Earlier this year we asked for feedback to help us develop a new Children, Youth, and Families Strategy and 5-Year Action Plan to address the current and emerging needs of children, young people and families in our area. We've used your feedback to develop a Strategy on a Page, take a look and let us know what you think. Feedback closes Sunday 12 November.

Draft Customer Experience Strategy

We've developed a Customer Experience Strategy to outline our commitment to improving your experience with Council and our approach to listening to our customers when designing our services and programs so that they better meet your needs. Take a look at the draft strategy.

Planning Proposal and Draft VPA for 136-148 New South Head Rd, Edgecliff

We're exhibiting a planning proposal and a draft voluntary planning agreement (VPA) for 136-148 New South Head Road, Edgecliff. The planning proposal seeks to amend the applicable building height and floor space ratio controls under the Woollahra Local Environmental Plan 2014, and the draft VPA seeks to obtain a share of the land value increase facilitated by the planning proposal for community infrastructure and affordable housing.

Draft Fig Management Plan

We've drafted a 10 year plan to manage the Fig trees on our streets and in our parks. Take a look at the draft.

Customer Experience at Woollahra Council

Providing a positive customer experience is important to us. We're always looking for new ways to help and support our community and our customers. We want your feedback on our services and any suggestions for improvement.

Draft Woollahra DCP 2015: Electricity Substations

We’re exhibiting a draft amendment to the Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015 which seeks to address the visual impact of customer electricity substations associated with new development.

Christison Park Water Tank

To reduce the use of potable water for irrigation, we're proposing to install a 107 kilolitre water tank in Christison Park, Vaucluse.

LGA-Wide Review of Dog Controls

There has been significant growth in dog ownership and exercise needs across Woollahra in recent years. To ensure our parks meet current needs, we have undertaken a LGA-wide review of dog controls, which proposes changes to existing dog controls across a range of our parks, reserves and beaches.

Streets as Shared Spaces

Have you been to Rose Bay recently? This summer we're trialling a number of temporary activations made possible with funding from the NSW Government's Streets as Shared Spaces program. They aim to make Rose Bay even more vibrant, connected and accessible. Check out a temporary pedestrian crossing in Wilberforce Avenue, laneways filled with murals, plants and lighting, plus parklets and decorations.

Parklet Trial Program

Parklets are kerbside parking spaces that have been repurposed into public space ‘pockets’ to provide additional space for outdoor dining. Council is trialling the use of parklets to activate the public domain and support small businesses in the area.

Planning Proposal for Heritage Listing of Places of Worship

We’re seeking feedback on the proposed local heritage listing of four places of worship in Woollahra. Heritage listing aims to provide ongoing protection and recognition of the heritage significance of these sites.

Draft Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015 (Amendment No. 22)

We're exhibiting a proposed amendment to the Woollahra Development Control Plan 2015 to introduce site specific controls for 252-254 New South Head Road, Double Bay.

Draft Urban Forest Strategy

Trees provide shade to cool our streets and homes, they clean the air, provide habitat for wildlife, and make our streets and parks look spectacular. To address the impacts of climate change and ensure our community continues to benefit from tree canopy cover, we've drafted an Urban Forest Strategy which proposes a goal of 30% tree canopy cover by 2050.

Draft Woollahra Section 7.12 Development Contributions Plan 2022

Council is proposing to amend the Woollahra 7.12 Development Contributions Plan 2022 to impose a condition requiring the applicant to pay a levy of the percentage of the proposed cost of carrying out a development.

Proposed heritage listing of St George Church, Rose Bay

The Greek Orthodox Church at 90-92 Newcastle Street in Rose Bay is being proposed for local heritage listing. We want to hear your thoughts on this proposal, and what elements of the building are important to you.

Proposed changes to dog controls in Gap Park

We’re seeking feedback on proposed changes to dog controls in Gap Park, Watsons Bay. Currently dogs are not permitted in the park and you’re invited to have your say on whether dogs should be permitted on-leash on pathways.

Draft Child Safe Policy and Code of Conduct

Council’s Draft Child Safe Policy and Draft Child Safe Code of Conduct are key foundations for embedding the NSW Child Safe Standards into our organisational culture, leadership and practice across the LGA.

Draft Grants Policy & Guidelines (2023)

Council reviewed the Grants Policy and Grant Guidelines in 2022 resulting in a single Grants policy for all Council's Grant streams as well as creating a single set of guidelines to simplify the Grants process.

Draft Woollahra Community Participation Plan (Amendment 1)

At its meeting on 27 March 2023, Council supported a proposed amendment to the Woollahra Community Participation Plan to no longer require advertising of development applications (DAs) in the Wentworth Courier.

Draft Operational Plan 2023/24 and Draft LTFP 2023/24 – 2032/33

A Draft Operational Plan is prepared each year, and identifies the projects, programs and activities that Council will undertake in the following year. The Draft Long Term Financial Plan 2023/24 - 2032/33 helps us develop a plan to maintain a financially sustainable position over time so that we can provide infrastructure and services for the benefit of our community.

Draft Community Engagement Strategy

This draft Community Engagement Strategy (CES) outlines how we will deliver proactive, accessible and thorough community engagement as part of the creation and review of our Community Strategic Plan every four years, and beyond that, to all of our projects that need a community voice. It sets out how and when Council will engage, so our community knows what to expect from us.

Plans of Management for Crown Land Reserves

Council manages 21 Crown Land reserves on behalf of the NSW Government, including many of our community's most valued parks, sports grounds, areas of cultural significance and natural areas. Management includes providing, maintaining and managing use of sportsgrounds, parks, war memorials, fitness equipment, playgrounds, lawns, garden beds and park furniture.

Play Space Strategy

Play is an important part of growing up and we think play spaces in Woollahra should be fit for everyone. That's why we've developed a new Draft Play Space Strategy to make sure our playgrounds are safe, accessible and age-appropriate for both today's children, their families and carers, as well as for future generations.

Recreation Strategy

Whether it's walking the dog, picnicking in the park, swimming in the ocean or playing team footy, being active and outdoors enriches lives. Sport, recreation and access to open space has numerous health, social, economic and environmental benefits. Providing abundant opportunities for recreation is a key priority of Council, which is why we've created a new Draft Recreation Strategy, which identifies current needs and priority areas for improvement.

Wilberforce Avenue, Rose Bay Car Park Redevelopment

Council is proposing to redevelop the Wilberforce Avenue, Rose Bay car park site into a multi-storey parking facility and community centre, with small complementary retail spaces. To see all the documents, visit our DA tracker (application number 598/2022).

Proposed Special Rate Variation

Council's application to IPART for a Special Rate Variation is now available to view on our website. As part of their assessment of Council’s application, IPART will consider both submissions received through our consultation process, as well as any submissions made directly to IPART.

Woollahra Council values our community as a source of local expertise and we actively seek community feedback on our proposed projects, policies and plans. Take a look at our Community Engagement Strategy(PDF, 3MB) which sets out how and when Council will engage, so our community knows what to expect from us.