Request an item


Suggest a purchase

If we don't have the item you are looking for, you can suggest an item for the library to purchase. 

Before suggesting a purchase, please check the library catalogue to see if we already have the item in our collection.

We have pre-existing orders for many popular authors and series, so it is work checking back periodically to see when new bestsellers become available.

Every item request is evaluated in accordance with our Collection Development Guidelines(PDF, 814KB).

Request online

  1. Go to our item request form and follow the prompts
  2. Press 'Submit'
  3. We will contact you when the item is ready

Titles we are not able to purchase may be requested through the Inter Library Loan Service, provided the title requested was not recently published. 

Charges may apply. All relevant fees are clearly outlined on the item request form.

Other options

Call us on 9391 7100 or visit us in person.