Library Public Access Technology Policy

Woollahra Libraries provides access to computers, public Wi-Fi, printers and other technology as part of the information services to patrons. The Library is pleased to make this service available to all members as part of the commitment to provide free and open access to information, educational and cultural resources for Library patrons of all ages and backgrounds. Non-members need a guest ticket to access public computers and printing services.

The Internet is a vast and unregulated information network which offers an unlimited access to a wide variety of resources. Public libraries have no control over the information available through the Internet and therefore can not be held responsible for its content and use.


To ensure fair access to the library technology for all patrons, rules and procedures have been devised to help regulate public technology access at Woollahra Libraries. When using the Library’s computers, Wi-Fi, printers and other library technology, customers are bound by Library Public Access Technology Policy.

Download the Library Public Access Technology Policy(PDF, 641KB)