Switch to GreenPower

In the Woollahra local area, our biggest source of carbon emissions is from household electricity consumption (35% of total emissions). So if you want to do more to help fight climate change and protect the environment, switch your home to renewable energy.
If installing rooftop solar at home isn’t an option for you – because you rent, live in an apartment, or don’t have enough solar access – switching to renewable energy can be as simple as phoning your electricity provider and switching plans.
What is GreenPower?
GreenPower is renewable energy from government accredited sources. Most electricity retailers in Australia have a GreenPower Accredited product.
You can get GreenPower for your home, common areas in apartment buildings and for businesses.
Why switch to GreenPower?
- You'll help get more electricity from wind and sun made in Australia.
- It's the only government accredited and audited green energy program.
- You can switch in as little as 10 minutes – depending on how much you want to shop around.
How to get GreenPower
Call your current provider and ask them to switch you to 100% GreenPower. If they quote you a much higher price, get quotes from other providers, or use the Energy Made Easy comparison tool to find the cheapest deals.
More information
Read more about GreenPower and how to make the switch.
Learn more about the other steps you can take to reduce your carbon emissions.