Our Coastal Heath
Coastal Plant Communities
The coastal cliffs from Christison Park at Vaucluse to South Head at Watsons Bay are natural hosts for a plant community known as Sydney Coastal Sandstone Headland Heath.

Coastal heath with a banksia, acacia and grevillea flowering.
What plants belong on our headland reserves?
These headland locations are windswept and salt-sprayed with thin sandy soils that prevent the growth of tall trees. The plants that naturally occur along Sydney's headlands include a great diversity of shrubs such as banksias, acacias, kunzeas, hakeas and epacris, along with ground covers, vines and a few grasses. Depending on the landform there may also be a few small or stunted trees. Headland heath supports a range of threatened species, such as Acacia terminalis subsp. Eastern Sydney (Sunshine Wattle).

A display of heathland wildflowers from different seasons.
Why is heathland vegetation important?
Heathland species provide a spectacular display of wildflowers that are enjoyed by our community and the local wildlife. The plentiful supply of pollen and nectar from these plants attracts an array of nectar-feeding birds and mammals, which also feed on insects drawn by the abundance of flowers. The dense and sometimes prickly growth of heathland plants also provides protection for small birds, reptiles and ground-dwelling mammals.

Image: David Cook, Red Wattlebirds are often seen and heard feeding in the banksias at Lighthouse Reserve.
What birds live here?
Our coastal heathland reserves provide havens that help to ensure many species of small birds remain in our area. Superb Fairy Wrens, Eastern Spinebills, Pardalotes, Grey Fantails. White-browed Scrub Wrens and Red Wattlebirds are just some of the local birds that rely on these thickets of dense vegetation. Next time you’re visiting Gap Park take a few moments to sit quietly near Jacobs Ladder lookout and you’re likely to hear and see some of these small bird species.

Several striking species of Banksias are found in our coastal heath including Banksia ericifolia.
Why are we planting in these areas?
Much of our heathland has been cleared for development and remnant areas are impacted by weeds, changes in natural fire cycles and trampling by people and dogs. By extending the remaining heathland areas and reintroducing plants for greater diversity and density we strengthen the habitat value and beautify our area.
Over the last 6 years our National Tree Day planting sites have been supporting revegetation of these heathland areas. Several dense plantings around Christison Park and Lighthouse Reserve have been planted by dozens of volunteers and cared for by our Bushland Maintenance team and Bushcare volunteers.

Before and after: seedlings planted at Christison Park in July 2022 and well-established by July 2023
What species are we planting?
Below are some of the local heathland species we've planted in this area.
If you're interested to learn more and help care for our heathland plant communities consider joining one of our Bushcare volunteer groups.
Acacia myrtifolia
Red-stemmed Wattle
Shrub 0.3–3 m high, pale yellow to white flowers
Actinotus helianthi
Flannel Flower
Herb 30–90 cm high, white flowers
Astroloma pinifolium/humifusum
Pine Heath
Shrub, 50–100 cm high, red and yellow flowers
Baeckea imbricata
Heath myrtle
Shrub to 1 m high, white flowers
Banksia aemula
Wallum Banksia
Shrub or tree to 8 m high, pale yellow to greenish cream flowers
Banksia ericifolia
Heath-leaved Banksia
Small tree or shrub to 6 m high, golden-brown flowers
Banksia marginata
Silver Banksia
Small tree or shrub to 12 m high, pale yellow flowers
Banksia spinulosa
Hairpin Banksia
Shrub to 3 m high, yellow or golden flowers
Bauera rubioides
River Rose
Shrub to 2 m high, pink flowers
Correa alba
White Correa
Shrub to 1.5 m high, white flowers
Dianella congesta
Beach Flax Lily
Herb to 1 m high, flowers dark blue
Dichelachne crinita
Longhair Plume Grass
Perennial grass to 1.5 m tall
Gonocarpus teucrioides
Herb or subshrub, usually 20–40 cm high, flowers green to red
Grevillea buxifolia
Grey Spider Flower
Shrub 0.5–2 m high, flowers grey-brown
Grevillea speciosa
Red Spider Flower
Shrub 0.4–3 m high, red flowers
Hakea gibbosa
Shrub 1–3 m high, yellowish white flowers
Hakea teretifolia
Shrub 1–3 m high, white to yellowish flowers
Imperata cylindrica
Blady Grass
Perennial grass to 1.2 m tall
Indigofera australis
Australian Indigo
Shrub up to 2.5 m tall, mauve flowers
Isopogon anemonifolius
Broad-leaf Drumsticks
Shrub 1–1.5 m high, yellow flowers
Kunzea ambigua
Tick Bush
Shrub to 3.5 m high, white flowers
Leptospermum laevigatum
Coast Teatree
Small tree or shrub to > 4 m high, white flowers
Lobeliaalata(Lobelia anceps)
Angled lobelia
Herb to 50cm long, flowers blue to white
Lomandra longifolia
Spiny-headed mat-rush
Perennial herb 50-100 cm tall
Melaleuca armillaris
Bracelet Honey Myrtle
Shrub to 5 m high with hard or corky bark, white flowers
Melaleuca hypericifolia
Hillock Bush
Shrub to 6 m high, red flowers
Olearia tomentosa
Toothed Daisy-bush
Shrub to 2 m high, flowers blue or white
Platysace lanceolata
Shrubby Platysace
Shrub 60–150 cm high, white or cream flowers
Scaevola ramosissima
Purple Fan-flower
Herb to 40 cm high, flowers pale violet to purple
Sporobolus Virginicus
Sand Couch
Perennial grass to 70 cm tall
Westringia fruticosa
Coastal Rosemary
Shrub to 1.5 m high, white flowers
Woollsia pungens
Snow wreath
Shrub usually 20–100 cm, flowers white to dark pink
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