Small Business Advisory Group

The Small Business Advisory Group (the Advisory Group) is an advisory body. Its purpose is to promote and support small business in the Woollahra Local Government Area (LGA).

Its objectives are to:

  • Provide a forum in which Council, business and industry representatives can discuss and debate, plan and progress local economic development matters to support small business within the LGA.
  • Investigate ways in which Council can support local businesses, including advocating for funding from relevant State and / or Federal Government grant assistance programs.
  • Make Woollahra an easier place for businesses to establish and operate.
  • Ensure that decisions made across all Council’s service areas takes into account any implications for small businesses.
  • Advocate for and support Council’s involvement in any relevant and appropriate small business friendly / economic development initiatives offered by the State and / or Federal Government.
  • To provide and receive two-way feedback from business and industry in the local area.
  • Ensure that membership of this Advisory Group includes the necessary expertise, experience and capability to satisfactorily promote & support business across our LGA.

View the Small Business Advisory Group Terms of Reference.(PDF, 581KB)

The Advisory Group reports to the Environmental Planning Committee. The Advisory Group is made up of the following Woollahra Councillors and other stakeholders:

Woollahra Councillors:

  • The Mayor; Cr Swan (Chair)
  • Up to four (4) Councillors:
    Cr Ardouin,
    Cr Jarvis,
    Cr Robertson,
    Cr Silcocks
    Cr Woodgate

Small Business Representatives:

  • Small business representatives may be asked to join a meeting of the Advisory Group at certain times/ or for certain purposes.

Council Staff:

  • Director - Planning & Place
  • Manager - Strategic Planning & Place
  • Coordinator - Economic Development
  • General Manager (optional)

For further information, please contact:

Manager – Strategic Planning & Place
Telephone: (02) 9391 7000

Code of Conduct

All members of Council's sub-committees and working parties are required to comply with Council's Code of Conduct. To assist community representatives understand the Code's requirements, Council has prepared a Guide for Community Representatives(PDF, 544KB).