Woollahra Local Planning Panel (WLPP)

WLPP Meetings

Woollahra Local Planning Panel (WLPP) will be holding Panel meetings using conferencing technology.

In light of changes announced by the Department of Planning, the running of the Woollahra Local Planning Panels has changed. 

WLPP meetings are broken up into two meeting types being:

  • Public Meeting (Panel members, staff and members of public); and
  • Electronic Meeting (Panel members and staff only).

Meetings are held on the same day, commencing at 1.00pm on the Thursday for the public meeting, and the electronic meetings will then commence at the conclusion of the public meeting.  Please see the upcoming meetings calendar for meeting dates.

The Panel will continue to hear oral submissions from residents and application and objectors in the same way as previously for Public Meetings and then the Panel will then move to discuss the matters (in confidential session).

At the conclusion of the public meeting (and the decision making process), the Panel will then consider the matters on the electronic meeting agenda. Noting that members of the public are unable to address the Panel in relation to the matters on the electronic meeting agenda, however are still able to submit late correspondence for the Panels consideration.




Further information may be obtained by contacting Council's Governance Department on 9391 7015 or 9391 7910.