S&C meeting procedure

Agenda format

Each Committee agenda is divided into two sections. The first section contains items shown as "D" (for Delegated) items. These are matters that the Committee has delegated authority to deal with.

The second section contains items shown as "R" (for Recommendation) items. These are matters that the Committee does not have delegated authority to deal with. For "R" items the Committee makes a recommendation that is then submitted to the next Council Meeting for final determination

Calling an item to Council

Once an agenda has been prepared, a Councillor may wish that the matter be dealt with by all the Councillors at a Council Meeting rather than by the Committee Councillors and may call any item to full Council for determination by either:

  1. submitting written or oral advice to the Committee Chairperson or Secretary before commencement of the meeting, or
  2. if they are present at the meeting, submitting written or oral advice to the Committee Chairperson or Secretary before commencement of the particular item.

If an item is called to Council, the Chairperson will advise the public present at the Committee meeting when the Council meeting will be held to consider the "called item".

If an item is called to Council, the Committee still hears submissions from members of the public and makes a recommendation that is submitted to the next Council Meeting for consideration.

Meeting procedure 

The Mayor, Councillors and staff will be participating in meetings in person or via audio-visual link.

At the commencement of the meeting, the Chairperson will call open the meeting and welcome Councillors, staff and members of the public.  Following this, the Chair will call the meeting to order and ask for apologies and late correspondence.

The order of business will be as shown in the index to the agenda.

Addressing the meeting

Members of the public may address the Committee on any item listed on the business paper. If you wish to address the Committee you must complete a Committee Registration Form(PDF, 164KB) and submit the form to Council by 10.00am on the day of the meeting via email to records@woollahra.nsw.gov.au.

Once pre-registered you will be forwarded information on how to join the meeting via email on the day of the meeting.

Public participation will be managed in accordance with meeting procedures.

When an item is called for consideration, the Chairperson will ask whether there is anyone present who wishes to address the meeting. At this stage each person will be individually invited to come forward and make their presentation.

If a large number of people wish to address a Committee meeting on a particular item, it will be at the discretion of the Chairperson to determine, with a view to fairness of representation, how many people may address the meeting.

Each person will be allowed to speak for four minutes only. A bell will be rung at the conclusion of 3 minutes and 2 bells rung at the conclusion of 4 minutes. Members of the Committee may ask speakers questions or seek clarification of the matters raised by the speaker.

At the conclusion of questions from Committee members to the person making the submission, the speaker is to resume their seat and take no further part in the debate unless specifically called to do so by the Chairperson.

After a submission, a member of the Committee may ask Council staff to comment on the matters raised by the speaker.

After considering all submissions and staff comments, the Committee will debate the matter and either make a decision (D Item) or a recommendation (R Item) to Council.

Late correspondence

  • may be submitted on a matter by anyone wishing to provide additional information to the Committee members.
  • must be received by the Council prior to 10.00am on the day of the meeting.
  • will be distributed to all Committee members at the start of the meeting.

Please email late correspondence to records@woollahra.nsw.gov.au.

Outcomes from the Committee

Decisions on "D" Items - what does each decision mean?

The Committee may make the following decision:

  • Adopt the Council Officer's recommendation without change:
    This decision becomes the resolution of Council and Council staff will take action to implement the decision.
  • Adopt the Council Officer's recommendation with minor changes:
    This decision becomes the resolution of Council and Council staff will take action to implement the decision.
  • Adopt the Council Officer's recommendation with substantial changes:
    Where a substantial change is made to the Officer's recommendation, the Committee's recommendation is automatically referred to Council for consideration as the Committee does not have delegated authority to determine a matter by substantially altering the recommendation on the business paper. If this occurs the Chairperson will advise the members of the public when the Council meeting will be held to consider the recommendation.
  • Adopt some other recommendation:
    If this occurs the "other" recommendation is automatically referred to Council for consideration as the Committee does not have delegated authority to determine a matter by substantially altering the recommendation on the business paper. The Chairperson will advise the members of the public when the Council meeting will be held to consider the recommendation.
  • Defer the matter to a future Committee meeting:
    The Committee may require additional information from interested parties or Council staff and therefore may defer the matter to a future Committee meeting to allow the additional information to be obtained.
  • Refer the matter to Council for determination:
    The Committee may decide to refer the matter to Council for consideration. If this occurs the Committee will make a recommendation for the Council to consider. The Chairperson will advise the members of the public when the Council meeting will be held to consider the recommendation.

Recommendations on "R" Items

For "R" items the Committee will make a recommendation that will be considered at the next Council meeting (the Committee does not have delegated authority to determine "R" items).

After the meeting

After each meeting Council staff will implement the decision of the Council. Staff will also forward letters to all interested parties that made formal submissions to Council, advising them of Council's decision.

Minutes of the meeting

Minutes of the meeting will be available three business days after the meeting on Council's website.


Further information may be obtained by contacting Council's Governance Department on 9391 7001.