Council and Committee Meetings
Woollahra Council will be holding Council (i.e. Ordinary and Extraordinary) and Committee Meetings (i.e. Environmental Planning (EP), Finance, Community & Services (FC&S) and Strategic & Corporate (S&C) in person.
Members of the public may attend Council and/or Committee Meetings in person or watch live online (via Council's website).
An audio recording of Council and Committee Meetings will be uploaded to Council’s website by 5.00pm on the next business day.
Please read the disclaimer
By addressing a Council or Committee meeting, members of the public consent to their voice and personal information (including name and address) being recorded and publicly available on Council’s website. Accordingly, please ensure your address to Council is respectful and that you use appropriate language and refrain from making any defamatory statements or discriminatory comments.
Woollahra Council does not accept any liability for statements, comments or actions taken by individuals during a Council or Committee meeting. Any part of the meeting that is held in closed session will not be recorded.
People connecting to this meeting by conferencing technology or teleconference are reminded that under the Local Government Act 1993, the recording of meetings by a member of the public using any electronic recording device including a mobile phone or video camera is not permitted. Any person found recording without the permission of Council may be expelled from the meeting.
The recording of each meeting will be retained on Council’s website for a minimum period of 6 months. After that period has passed, recordings of meetings may be disposed of in accordance with the State Records Act 1998.
Meeting details and procedure
The Finance, Community & Service Committee (FC&S) considers financial, budget and work issues, and issues relating to services for people.
The Mayor, Councillors and staff will be participating in meetings in person or via audio-visual link.
Members of the public are invited to attend Council and Committee Meetings in person or watch and/or listen to the meeting live via Council's website available at FC&S Agendas, Audio Recordings and Minutes.
To address a Committee Meeting, members of the public must register by 10.00am on the day of the meeting by completing the Committee Register Form(PDF, 164KB) and emailing this form to or by contacting the Governance team on (02) 9391 7001.
Public participation will be managed in accordance with meeting procedures.
Members of the public may submit late written correspondence on an agenda item being considered at the Committee meeting. If you wish to make a written submission on an item on the agenda, please email your submission to by 10.00am on the day of the meeting.
Read the FC&S meeting procedures and check the upcoming meetings calendar for current and future dates.
Members of the community can address the Committee (see Having your say at meetings for guidelines).
Agendas, Audio Recordings and Minutes
The agenda contains full reports from staff, including recommendations on all items under consideration. The agenda and individual reports for each meeting are available from 3pm on the Thursday before the meeting from the following location:
FC&S Agendas, Audio Recordings and Minutes
Audio recordings of the meetings will be uploaded to Council’s website by 5.00pm on the next business day.
Minutes will be available three business days after the meeting via Council's website.
Committee members
Councillor Andruska (Chair)
Councillor Woodgate (Deputy Chair)
Councillor Ardouin
Councillor Price
Councillor Jarvis
Councillor Silcocks
Councillor Zeltzer
The quorum for FC&S meetings is four Councillors.
Further information may be obtained by contacting Council's Governance Department on 029391 7001.