Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Woollahra Council acknowledges that the first people of this area are the Aboriginal people of the Eora Nation. Council is committed to working together with all members of the community to support reconciliation and encourage acceptance and respect for a diverse range of cultures.
For further information on reconciliation, please contact Reconciliation Australia.
Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
In 2021 Woollahra Council began developing a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) at the Reflect level to guide and drive our reconciliation efforts as a Council. It is a scoping and research document which outlines the steps that Council would need to take to prepare itself for reconciliation initiatives in successive RAPs. Developing a Reflect RAP demonstrates Council’s commitment to understanding and working with the local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities.
Council’s Reflect RAP was prepared in collaboration with the local community, Reconciliation Australia (RA), La Perouse Local Aboriginal Land Council (La Perouse LALC), the Gujaga Foundation, the Gamay Rangers and Council’s internal RAP Working Group.
The Working Group consists of Council staff from a range of program areas and management levels who are both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. This group was fundamental in developing Council’s Reflect RAP and will continue to support its implementation over the next year.
The final Reflect Reconciliation Plan is now available. Read the plan here(PDF, 3MB) .
Eastern Region Local Government and Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander (ERLGATSI) Forum
Eastern Region Local Government and Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander (ERLGATSI) Forum is a partnership between six councils. Woollahra Council is a member of the Forum along with five other local government areas, including: Bayside Council, Inner West Council, Randwick City Council, City of Sydney, and Waverley Council.
The aim of the ERLGATSI Forum is to address and participate at a regional level in the affairs, events and celebrations that impact our local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
For more information go to the ERLGATSI Facebook page.
Events in the ERLGATSI Forum's calendar include:
For more information, please contact:
Telephone: 9391 7000
Email: community@woollahra.nsw.gov.au