Public Art

Council’s commitment to public art is expressed through a range of different public art opportunities that preserve, emphasise, enhance and expand on the distinctive local identity.

Our adopted Public Art Policy(PDF, 914KB)  is a statement of support and encouragement for the development of public art and public art opportunities within our local area. For developers, public art provides a valuable point of difference for the development and our adopted Public Art Guidelines for Developers(PDF, 5MB)  outline the expectations and steps to provide public art in major developments.

We also provide opportunities for artists and designers to create vibrant works for display in the public domain by requiring artwork on construction site hoardings. The Creative Hoardings Program sets out Council’s requirements for creative hoardings and will apply in certain circumstances when applications are made to erect a hoarding on public land.


Traffic Signal Box

Programs & projects

Commissions & Acquisitions



Art Collection

Support and donation opportunities

For information on how to support public art projects and donation  opportunities through Council’s deductible gift fund, please contact us on 9391 7102 or email


For more information, please contact:

Public Art / Cultural Team
Telephone: 9391 7102 and/or 9391 7135