Objections and comments

It is important to us that you have a say in the development of Woollahra. As a part of the Development Application (DA) process, proposed developments are advertised to the public for comment.

Methods of advertising include:

  • Posting notices at the site of the proposed development
  • Mailing nearby residents a summary of the proposed development
  • Advertising a list of current DAs on this website

Applications are advertised for a limited time, of 15 days for local development. In the case of designated development 30 days.

For details and guidelines on how we advertise and notify DAs, view the Woollahra Community Participation Plan(PDF, 3MB).

Object or comment on a DA

  1. If you are concerned that the amenity of your property will be adversely affected by a development proposal, you may make a submission by way of objection. That submission should clearly set the reasons why you are concerned with a development proposal.
  2. Our assessment officers and other relevant Council professionals will carefully examine your concerns against the applicant's reasonable expectation to develop or use their land. That assessment will be formally carried out according to Council's controls and the relevant provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
  3. If the application is amended by the applicant through the process, and those amended plans are considered to have a greater impact than the original proposal, you will be advised by further notification. If the amendments are considered the same or of a lesser impact, then your earlier submission will be included in the assessment but the amended plans will not be renotified.
  4. The level at which an application is determined will depend on the nature, and sometimes the cost of the development. An indication of the level of delegation an application will be determined can be found in this table.
  5. If the application is to be determined by the Application Assessment Panel (AAP), Woollahra Local Planning Panel (WLPP) or the Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel, we will advise you in writing of the meeting date, time, and location.

More information about determination (approval or rejection).