14 Boronia Road BELLEVUE HILL
Applicant: Nagrommada Tech Pty Limited
External modifications to an approved residential flat building.
Demolition of dwelling and construction of new residential flat building.
76 Drumalbyn Road BELLEVUE HILL
Applicant: Charas Developments 1 Pty Ltd
Modifications to the approved residential flat building.
Demolition of the existing dwelling and retention of the existing swimming pool, construction of a new residential flat building with automatic parking system, swimming pool, landscaping and site works.
21 Kambala Road BELLEVUE HILL
Applicant: Mrs S V Jandegian
Deletion of Condition D.13(b) relating to sight splays at the driveway exit.
Alterations and additions to existing dwelling house including construction of a new basement, swimming pool, associated siteworks and landscaping.
2E Tarrant Avenue BELLEVUE HILL (previously known as 2-4 Tarrant Avenue)
Applicant: SRH Architecture Pty Ltd
Internal and external modifications to approved dwelling.
Construction of a new dwelling on the approved subdivided lot under DA392/2021/1.
2 Tarrant Avenue BELLEVUE HILL (previously knows as 2-4 Tarrant Avenue)
Applicant: SRH Architecture Pty Ltd
Internal and external modifications to the approved development.
Alterations and additions to existing dwelling.
Applicant: Land Title Solutions Pty Ltd
Modification to the approved scheme (strata subdivision).
Two-lot stratum subdivision of an existing residential building approved for a dual occupancy.
77-81, 83 & 83A Yarranabbe Road DARLING POINT
Applicant: Yarranabbe Ventures Pty Limited
Modification to various conditions to allow for the staging of Construction Certificates.
Demolition of existing single dwellings and residential flat building, construction of a new residential flat building with strata subdivision and associated works.
49-53 Bay Street DOUBLE BAY
Applicant: Mr P Andrews
Internal and external modifications to the approved commercial development.
Demolition of existing buildings and construction of a new six storey commercial building with two levels of basement parking below.
43 Harris Street PADDINGTON
Applicant: M D Hochstadt
Modifications to the approved scheme.
Demolition of the existing building and the retention of the existing party walls to both side boundaries and the construction of new 3 storey infill dwelling with lift and new garage off Sutherland Avenue.
109 Paddington Street PADDINGTON
Applicant: Mr S O’Connor
Modifications to the approved scheme.
Alterations and additions.
175 Underwood Street PADDINGTON
Applicant: R Brown
Modifications to the approved scheme.
Alterations and additions including a garage and loft above.
16 Spencer Street ROSE BAY
Applicant: Design Plus Drafting
Modifications to the approved alterations and additions.
Alterations & additions to the existing semi-detached dwelling including a new swimming pool.
22A Tivoli Avenue ROSE BAY
Applicant: PJ Architects Pty Ltd
Modification to the approved alterations and additions involving the addition of a plunge pool.
Alterations and additions to a dwelling house, the demolition of an existing swimming pool, the construction of a new swimming pool and landscaping works.
1 Victoria Street WATSONS BAY
Applicant: Cave Urban Pty Ltd
Modifications to the approved alterations and additions.
Alterations and additions to a dwelling house.
287 Edgecliff Road WOOLLAHRA
Applicant: Laycock Constructions Pty Ltd
Internal and external modifications to the approved alterations and additions.
Alterations and additions to existing dwelling and associated landscaping.
Applicant: CMAC Investment Holdings Pty Ltd
Internal and external modifications to the approved semi-detached dwellings.
Land subdivision into 2 Torrens titled lots and the construction of a 3 storey semi-detached dwelling with basement parking on each lot.