Pre-DA consultation service

What is the purpose of the consultation service?

Our pre-DA consultation service gives applicants the opportunity to meet with Council staff (including assessment officers, senior planners, landscape development officers, development engineers, heritage officers and environmental health officers as applicable) and receive valuable written comment prior to lodging a DA.

The service aims to provide a better understanding of the DA process and ensure there is consistency and continuity in comment provided by Council. It also provides information for the applicant's discussion with neighbours so that potential conflicts may be avoided before an application is lodged.

How do I book a pre-DA consultation meeting?

You can book a pre-DA consultation meeting at our Customer Service Centre.

A fee, related to the type of development proposal, is required for this service.

The fee per meeting is:

  • $659 for alterations and additions up to 50% envelope change
  • $1,314 dwelling-houses (including alterations and additions greater than 50% envelope change)
  • $2,887 for new residential flat buildings and new commercial buildings.

Fees listed are valid until 30 June 2025.

What do I need to prepare?

In order to enable all relevant officers to visit the site and prepare comments before the meeting, a Pre-DA consultation service application form(PDF, 365KB), two copies of the proposed plans and all supporting documentation must be lodged with Council at least eight days before the pre-DA consultation meeting date.

Plans need not be DA lodgement standard, however we can provide more useful comments if greater details on your proposal are provided.

As a minimum, plans and elevations showing any alterations or additions (in colour) must be provided.

The following information should also be provided:

  • Site analysis and design response
  • Shadow plans
  • Survey plan including levels and showing vegetation
  • Draft geotechnical / stormwater / traffic / acid sulfate soils reports if applicable
  • Preliminary demolition report for full or substantial demolition, if applicable
  • Preliminary statement of heritage impact, if applicable
  • Draft Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE) which should include floor space and other numeric calculations.

For more information on the types of information required see Prepare your application.

What happens after the meeting?

After the meeting, applicants will receive a letter, which incorporates the minutes from the meeting, outlines the applicable controls and identifies issues that may need to be addressed in the DA.

The pre-DA consultation service can not determine the outcome of an application and does not bind Council. The service provides useful early comment regarding a proposal and can help the applicant in determining whether to proceed with a proposal.