Notification of DAs (Notice of proposed development)

2024 Deadlines for Development Applications and related applications

DAs lodged and formally accepted3 by 21 November 2024 will be notified/advertised on Council’s website on 11 December 2024 until 17 January 2025.

DAs lodged and formally accepted after 21 November 2024 will NOT be notified/advertised until mid-January 2025.

1. The notification periods indicated above are a consequence of Council’s Community Participation Plan and the statutory requirements of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979.

2. Integrated development applications will be subject to an extended notification/advertising period.

3. Development applications lodged via the NSW Planning Portal are not formally accepted by Council until all payments have been received and Council acknowledges lodgement.

4. Development applications requiring further assessment information may not be notified/advertised until the requested information has been provided to Council.

Development application notifications will be published on our website and the owners of properties, which may be impacted by a development application, will be notified by letter and we will require site notices to be displayed on proposed development sites.

New Development Applications and Applications to Modify Development Consents have been lodged at the following sites. Woollahra Council is the Consent Authority for these applications.

The following applications, plans and specifications are available for public inspection at Council's Customer Service Centre during the specified notification/advertising period below. You can view plans and relevant documents online.

Any person during the period specified below may make a written submission in relation to the Development Applications and Applications to Modify Development Consent. Council will not determine the application until expiration of the public inspection period and will consider any submissions.

Development Applications

Notification period 11 December 2024 to 17 January 2025


11 Arthur Street BELLEVUE HILL

Applicant: Mr M C Robilliard

Alterations and additions to the existing semi-detached dwelling including extension at first floor level, landscaping works and new spa to rear yard.


10 Rupertswood Avenue BELLEVUE HILL

Applicant: A De Saxe

Alterations and Additions to the existing dwelling house, including new swimming pool, cabana and landscaping works.


9 Belah Avenue VAUCLUSE

Applicant: Mark Swain

Construction of a new swimming pool and ancillary works.


1 James Street WOOLLAHRA

Applicant: The Trustee for Noff Haus Trust

Additions and alterations to the existing single storey cottage.

Notification period 11 December 2024 to 1 February 2025

The following applications is a Nominated Integrated Development Application pursuant to Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (as amended).


33 Cross Street DOUBLE BAY (aka InterContinental Hotel)

Applicant: Cross Street Double Bay Pty Ltd

Approval Body: WaterNSW – s90(2) of the Water Management Act 2000

Demolition of an existing building and construction of a new mixed-use building above an existing 2 level basement.

Notification period 4 December 2024 to 19 December 2024



Applicant: Studio Johnston Architects Pty Ltd

Alterations and additions to an approved new dwelling.


64 Manning Road DOUBLE BAY

Applicant: T Powell

Alterations and additions to an existing semi-detached dwelling.


17 Transvaal Avenue DOUBLE BAY

Applicant: The Trustee for Clutch Triple Double Unit Trust

New signage.


126 Boundary Street PADDINGTON

Applicant: Mrs E Romeo & Mr J M Romeo

Alterations and additions.


17 Hargrave Street PADDINGTON

Applicant: Mr D F Payne

Alterations and additions.


14 Liverpool Street PADDINGTON

Applicant: Mr T Newman

Alterations and additions.


16 Prospect Street PADDINGTON

Applicant: P M Monisse

Alterations and additions to the existing outbuilding/garage.


156 Windsor Street PADDINGTON

Applicant: A Meares

Alterations and additions including a new basement level and carport.


20 Wolseley Road POINT PIPER

Applicant: MHN Design Union Pty Ltd

Alterations and additions to existing dwelling including an additional storey, relocation of swimming pool and replacement of separate garage.


16 Cambridge Avenue VAUCLUSE

Applicant: Ms B L Gallo

Alterations and additions to the existing semi-detached dwelling.


18 Serpentine Parade VAUCLUSE

Applicant: Jagged Pty Ltd

Ancillary works to a residential flat building including the construction of a retaining wall and fencing, stormwater works and paving.


5 Pacific Street WATSONS BAY

Applicant: R Furfaro

New hardstand car parking space to front yard and associated landscape and fencing works.


8 Chester Street WOOLLAHRA

Applicant: T A Mackey

New parking space and bin storage at the front of the property.


Notification period 4 December 2024 to 25 January 2025

The following applications are Nominated Integrated Development Applications pursuant to Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (as amended).


18 Glendon Road DOUBLE BAY

Applicant: H.A Design Group Pty Ltd

Approval Body: WaterNSW – s90(2) of the Water Management Act 2000

Demolition of existing structures on site and construction of a two storey dwelling house with swimming pool.


2 Rosemont Avenue WOOLLAHRA

Applicant: Antscapes Enjoy Outside Pty Ltd

Approval Body: Heritage NSW – Heritage Act 1977

Demolition of existing pool and construction of a new pool and associated outdoor works including new landscaping.

Notification period 27 November 2024 to 12 December 2024


6 Albert Square PADDINGTON

Applicant: Mr S B Papworth

Demolition of the existing cottage and the construction of a new infill development.


12 Glen Street PADDINGTON

Applicant: Modify Homes Pty Ltd

Demolition of the existing garage and the construction of a new part 2 storey part 3 storey side addition.


38 Gurner Street PADDINGTON (aka 38A & 38B Gurner Street PADDINGTON)

Applicant: Ms S Green

Change of use to a wholly residential use and extensive alterations and additions including a new garage with loft above and swimming pool.


24 Hargrave Street PADDINGTON

Applicant: Mr A Huxtable

Alterations and additions.


153 Hargrave Street PADDINGTON

Applicant: Roth Architecture Workshop Pty Ltd

Alterations and additions including a new garage.


23 Wunulla Road POINT PIPER

Applicant: Roth Architecture Workshop Pty Ltd

Demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of a new dwelling including a basement level, a swimming pool and associated landscape works.


40 Beresford Road ROSE BAY

Applicant: Ms A Khan

Demolition of the existing residential flat building and construction of a new dwelling house with pool, landscaping and siteworks.


280 Old South Head Road WATSONS BAY

Applicant: Mr D Balagna

Demolition of existing garage roof and alterations involving a new landscaped roof; construction of new fencing and gates.


6 Pacific Street WATSONS BAY

Applicant: Mr D Anderson

Addition of roof and vergola structures above the ground and lower ground level rear terraces.


4/4 Nelson Street WOOLLAHRA

Applicant: Mr R Sigg

Alterations and additions to Unit 4 including a new lift.

Notification period 27 November 2024 to 17 January 2025

Council related development


Road reserve at Willara Lane between Nos 49 & 53 Wunulla Road POINT PIPER

Applicant: Anthony Sheedy

Subdivision of land located within the road reserve at Willara Lane, Point Piper.


Notification period 13 November 2024 to 13 December 2024

The following applications are Nominated Integrated Development Applications pursuant to Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (as amended).


9/56A Ormond Street PADDINGTON

Applicant: Mr J Ortiz-Munoz

Approval Body: Heritage NSW – s58 of the Heritage Act 1977

Alterations and additions.


488-492 Old South Head Road and 30 Albemarle Avenue ROSE BAY

Applicant: Fabcot Pty Ltd

Demolition of the existing buildings and construction of a new four storey mixed use building comprising a Woolworths supermarket at Ground floor and Level 1 and 13 residential apartments at Levels 1-3, three levels of basement car parking and associated services; site remediation; earthworks; landscaping; signage and siteworks.

Remediation of the Site

DA165/2024 –re-advertised

34 Gurner Street PADDINGTON

Applicant: Miss H Wilson

New off street parking space and deck along with remediation of the site.

Applications to Modify Development Consent

Notification period 11 December 2024 to 17 January 2025


74 Kambala Road BELLEVUE HILL

Applicant: MHN Design Union Pty Ltd

Modifications to the wording of conditions relating to the issue of the Occupation Certificate, as well as minor adjustments to landscaping, fencing and driveway widths.

Demolition of existing dwelling at No. 76 Kambala Road, site amalgamation, alterations and additions to existing dwelling at No. 74 Kambala Road, new tennis court and landscaping.


54 Streatfield Road BELLEVUE HILL

Applicant: MHN Design Union Pty Ltd

Internal and external modifications to approved development.

Demolition of existing building and construction of a new dwelling house with swimming pool and associated landscaping.


1 & 9 Mona Road DARLING POINT

Applicant: Darling Point 1 Pty Limited

Modifications to the approved scheme.

Demolition of the existing buildings on Nos. 80-84 & 90 New South Head Road; lot consolidation & construction of a seven storey mixed use development with basement car parking (defined as 'shop-top housing'); and construction of an underground vehicular turn-table and the associated mechanism for the basement car parking stackers to the rear yard of No. 9 Mona Road.


22 Yarranabbe Road DARLING POINT

Applicant: Norfolk Group Investments (Australia) Pty Ltd

Modifications to the approved scheme.

Demolition of existing dwelling house & construction of new 4 storey residential flat building comprising three 3- bedroom apartments each with pools and basement parking for six cars with and a turntable.


64 Sutherland Street PADDINGTON

Applicant: Mr O N Renton

Modifications to the approved scheme.

Alterations and additions.


30 Wyuna Road POINT PIPER

Applicant: Mr C Mellick

External modifications to approved development and Conditions A.4, A.6 (b), B.6 and E.29.

Alterations and additions to the dwelling including widening of the existing garage and landscaping.


37 Newcastle Street ROSE BAY

Applicant: MHN Design Union Pty Ltd

Modifications to the approved residential flat building involving minor internal reconfiguration and window amendments.

Demolition of the existing Residential Flat Building and construction of a new Residential Flat Building containing three units and basement parking; Landscaping works, swimming pool and strata subdivision.


331A Old South Head Road WATSONS BAY

Applicant: Wurley Group Pty Ltd

Modifications to the approved alterations and additions involving new stairs, fencing and retaining walls.

Alterations and additions to an existing dwelling associated with the St Peter's Anglican Church.


7 Edward Street WOOLLAHRA

Applicant: Miles Thorp Architects Pty Ltd

Internal and external modifications to approved development.

Alterations and additions including a new first floor level, lift, and double garage in an existing retaining wall.


Lot 1 DP1244756, Lot 9 DP262918 and Lot 10 DP262918 at Fern Place WOOLLAHRA

Applicant: Remac Property Investments Pty Ltd

Modifications to the three approved new dwellings including internal and external amendments.

Construction of three new dwellings with associated landscaping works on newly created lots 1,2 and 3 (approved under DA230/2020/1).

Notification period 11 December 2024 to 1 February 2025

The following applications is a Nominated Integrated s4.56 Modification Application pursuant to Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (as amended).


30 Alma Street PADDINGTON (aka White City)

Applicant: Hakoah Club Ltd

Modifications to the approved scheme.

First stage of the development of White City for a multi-purpose sports centre and registered club facilities including site remediation.


Notification period 4 December 2024 to 19 December 2024


72 Beresford Road BELLEVUE HILL

Applicant: K Enayati

Internal and external modifications to the approved new dwelling house.

The demolition of the existing structures on the site, the construction of a new multi-storey dwelling house and swimming pool and landscaping works.


84-88 Birriga Road BELLEVUE HILL

Applicant: The Trustee for Kew Bellevue Hill Unit Trust

Modification to the approved residential flat building comprising an increase to the width of the car lift.

Demolition of the three existing dwelling houses and construction of two new residential flat buildings containing a total of 16 units, including 4 in Building A on the new street front lot and 12 in Building B on the new battle-axe lot. Also proposed is landscaping, new swimming pool, basement parking and siteworks.


60 Boronia Road BELLEVUE HILL

Applicant: Ms V Brajtman

Modifications to the approved alterations and additions.

Alterations and additions to existing dwelling.


30 Bundarra Road BELLEVUE HILL

Applicant: Canary Constructions & Management Pty Ltd

Modifications to the approved scheme.

Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling comprising of a secondary dwelling, a new garage level, a new swimming pool and associated works.


77 Drumalbyn Road BELLEVUE HILL

Applicant: Nadlan Property Group Pty Limited

Modifications to the approved dwelling house.

The change of use from an attached dual occupancy approved under DA64/2022/1 to a single dwelling house and associated minor internal alterations.


66 Victoria Road BELLEVUE HILL

Applicant: Mr B Swartz

Internal and external modifications to approved development.

Demolition of existing house and construction of a new dwelling and swimming pool; associated landscaping.


214-218 Victoria Road BELLEVUE HILL

Applicant: Cooper View Developments Pty Ltd

Modifications including internal reconfiguration at all levels, extensions to units, the conversion of one dual key unit into two separate unit, and the provision of a roof terrace.

Demolition of the existing structures and construction of a new residential flat building containing 12 residential units.


588 New South Head Road POINT PIPER

Applicant: MHN Design Union Pty Ltd

Internal and external modifications to an approved development.

Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a dual occupancy development including a basement parking, two swimming pools and associated landscaping.


8 Chamberlain Avenue ROSE BAY

Applicant; Mr R E Balkin

Modifications to the approved scheme including a new roof terrace (viewing platform) and lift access.

Alterations and additions to the existing three storey dwelling.


10A Tivoli Avenue ROSE BAY

Applicant: MHN Design Union Pty Ltd

Modifications to the approved new dwelling house including landscaping modifications.

Demolition of existing dwelling, pool and associated structure, and the construction of a new dwelling, pool, basement garage, landscaping and associated siteworks.


42 Old South Head Road VAUCLUSE

Applicant: MHN Design Union Pty Ltd

Modifications to the layout of level 2 of the approved dual-occupancy and modifications to windows and skylights.

Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of a new dual occupancy with swimming pools and strata sub-division.


82 Old South Head Road WOOLLAHRA

Applicant: CSA Architects Pty Ltd

Modifications to approved development.

Alterations and additions to existing semi-detached dwelling.

Notification period 4 December 2024 to 25 January 2025

The following application is a Nominated Integrated Modification Application pursuant to Section 4.46 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979 (as amended).


24 Victoria Road BELLEVUE HILL

Applicant: Mr L Lynch

Approval Body: Heritage NSW – Heritage Act 1977

Internal and external modifications to approved development.

Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling including the removal of the existing garage and the construction of a new underground garage and the reconstruction of the swimming pool and spa as existing, new caretakers apartment, interior fitout to the existing dwelling, landscaping and siteworks.

Notification period 27 November 2024 to 12 December 2024


127 Victoria Road BELLEVUE HILL

Applicant: Mrs M Boyd & Mr J D Boyd

Modifications to the approved new dwelling house.

Demolition of existing building and construction of a new dwelling with new pool, driveway, garage and associated landscaping.


25 Spicer Street WOOLLAHRA

Applicant: Mrs M Dewar Dutaillis

Modifications to the approved scheme.

First floor addition to single storey semi-detached cottage.



The supply of personal information is voluntary. If personal information is not provided, Council may be limited in dealing with a submission. Submissions, summaries of submissions, and/or names and addresses of people making submissions may be included in publicly available reports to Council or Committee Meetings (including AAP, WLPP, SECPP) and published on Council’s website.

Please note that, in accordance with section 18(1)(b) of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (NSW), all submissions received by Council will be placed on the appropriate Council file and may be disclosed to Councillors, Council Officers, consultants to Council or members of the public.

Pursuant to the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (NSW) the Council is obliged to allow inspection of its documents, including any submissions received by Council.