Young People

Young people are important members of the Woollahra community.

They have unique needs and ways that they are able to contribute. We want young people to thrive and for their voices to be heard. To learn more about Council's commitment to young people, read our Children, Youth & Families Strategy and Action Plan


'Smile Please' by Jethro Wills, Cranbrook School, Youth Photographic Award & Short Film Prize submission

What's on in the local area

Wellbeing and Mental Health support

Feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or generally bad? Has something upsetting happened and you need someone to talk to? There are many services that can help!

WAYS Youth Services - Waverley Action for Youth Services provides services and programs for young people (9-24 years). These include a youth centre, counselling, literacy, numeracy, a variety of arts and crafts, music tuition, information and resource centre, employment skilling program, peer education, alternative education (WAYS Secondary), training services and opportunities for young people to connect.

Headspace Bondi Junction - a free and confidential service where people from 12 to 25 years old can access qualified youth mental health professionals.

Centre 360 Youth and Family Services - provides therapeutic individualised counselling, case work, group work and mentoring for disadvantaged young people and their families.

Caretakers Cottage - supports children and young people to prevent homelessness. Provides housing options and support to teenagers.

JewishCare - offers a range of support options for children and young people in the Jewish community.

Twenty10 – provides counselling and social supports to rainbow young people.

The Gender Centre – provides counselling and other support services to the transgender and gender diverse community.

Play Safe - a sexual health website for young people from NSW Health.

Lifeline - a free, 24-hour telephone crisis/suicide support service in Australia. Call 13 11 44

1800RESPECT - 24-hour national sexual assault, family and domestic violence counselling line.

Drug Info - Free information about drugs and alcohol and the NSW law.

Study support programs

There are a range of study support programs available at different levels of learning.

Studiosity App - a service available to Woollahra Library members that gives you access to free study help 24/7

HSC 2021 Resources: State Library - Whether you're just starting out or looking for in-depth resources for your HSC year, there's something here for you.

Young people living with disability

Miroma (part of Inala) - provides a range of programs in the Eastern Suburbs that assist young people with disabilities fulfil their potential. Programs include creative arts, training and supported employment.

Holdsworth - provides support for people living with disability (aged 7+) in Sydney and its Eastern Suburbs.

Friendship Circle - a leading voice for inclusion for young people living with a disability in the Eastern Suburbs, Friendship Circle creates inclusive friendships between people with and without disabilities through ridiculously fun opportunities and friendships. 

Little Dreamers - support for people aged 4-25 who provide care for a family member affected by disability, illness or addiction. 

Youth leadership and volunteering opportunities


For more information, please contact:

Telephone: 9391 7124